
There are many fish that live in the ocean but not all of them live together. There are three different zones in the ocean. The first one is called the sunlight zone because it is not hard for sunlight to travel through. As you go down less animals are there so now we are at the next zone and that is the second zone. It is called the twilight zone it is not pitch black. Once you’re down in the twilight zone the water gets colder and vampire fish start to pop out. They are very amazing because not only do they have lights on their head but also on their body. As we go down it is getting darker and colder. Finally we are at the midnight zone. It is pitch black and there are less species of the ocean.

So because there is a open and wonderful ocean out there, it inspired our class to do a project about the ocean. So we had to sketch out a fish that we liked. It could be realistic or it could be whimsical ( that means fiction). I wanted to do whimsical and I thought I did pretty well. So this is what we had to do. First we had to sketch what we wanted to shape it like, but we could not draw inside of the fish. What we could do is make lines to put the tiny details in the line. We also had to make the lines curved so then it looked like it was not flat in the ocean. So that was our first sketch and we did that in our sketch notebook. But then after we finished that, we did are last iteration and that was on a big piece of black paper and we chose black paper because the pencil will not show too well and the light colors would show really well. After we got our fish drawn on the paper we had to put glue on the outside so then the pastel would stay inside the lines. Wow! We are putting some elbow grease in this ( that means that we are doing some hard work) so that was really hard but also fun and I think that I did my best!


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